Monday March 31, 2025
Greek English

Προξενικό Γραφείο Ριάντ - Consular Office in Riyadh

The attendees need to have with them a valid passport. Payments are only in cash and in SAR (1€ = 4 SAR). Prices for consular services are defined in Decree 16/2014.

Signature attestations and certificates

Signature attestations and certificates

Before making an appointment for a certificate, applicants should first get confirmation from the Embassy that no supporting documents are missing, by sending an email to

NOTE: The Embassy no longer certifies Saudi documents (ex. Zakat certificates). Such documents can be used in Greece only if they have the Apostille stamp, which is issued by the Saudi MOFA. Applicants can request certified copies of Greek documents or the certification of signatures based on specimens (ex. Yemeni MOFA officials), without an appointment, by sending or submitting the necessary original documents with the fees in an envelope at the Embassy. In the latter case, the documents will not be ready on the same day. Alternatively, applicants may make an appointment for the same purpose

Power of Attorney

Power of Attorney

Applicants should send a draft of the notarial act to The Embassy examines the requests in order of priority and gives appointments by email. If the signatory does not speak Greek, a translation of the draft in a language he/she understands is also required.


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